
2015年01月30日 22:30


Lara 梁心頤 30日於西門大河岸舉辦「Lara Dida mini concert」個人音樂會,音樂會上全家總動員,Lara找來姐姐梁妍熙負責影像及MV拍攝,姊妹倆也將合唱歌曲,媽媽負責每天替女兒燉煮養身補品;此外,Lara梁心頤也會首次與爸爸合唱由爸爸所創作的歌曲,音樂會上滿滿的家庭味。

▲果郡王李東學(左)現身為師妹Lara 梁心頤站台。(圖/記者陳明仁攝)

彩排現場,師兄果郡王李東學也帶來護嗓聖品「冰糖川貝雪梨汁」祝福師妹新的一年能夠大囍臨門,師弟余岱宗則是帶來滴雞精,隨時替師姐補充體力。Lara梁心頤「Lara Dida mini concert」個人音樂會,門票銷售約15萬元,所得也全數捐贈紅心字會,替紅心字會籌募弱勢兒童三餐餐食費用。

正在趕忙拍攝新戲的師兄李東學,特別抽空到場支持師妹Lara梁心頤,還不忘關心一下師妹的感情狀台北除夕圍爐餐廳況,Lara梁心頤說「男友目前在國外正忙著劇團的巡迴演出工作,兩人雖然已經將近3個多月沒見到面了,但是每天都會透過視訊方式互動。」樹林 火鍋推薦


演唱新歌《滴答》前也首播由姐姐梁妍熙執導拍攝的MV畫面,形象清新的Lara演出性感的親熱劇情,讓Lara梁心頤邊唱邊羞紅了臉。此外,Lara也演唱台語歌曲《追追追》及特別改編過的《小蘋果》 等歌曲,也吸引全場粉絲一起合唱。Lara梁心頤表示「這場音樂會的舉辦,是為了能在過年前,替紅心字會弱勢小朋友募集年菜及餐費,所以全家一起總動員做公益,也非常感謝粉絲們一起奉獻愛心,讓小朋友們能夠溫暖過新年。」

▼Lara 梁心頤公益開唱,為弱勢家庭的小朋友募餐費。(圖/記者陳明仁攝)

(中央社記者劉麗榮台北3日電)國民黨今天公布最新民調,在6個評估政黨形象上,國民黨的印象分數皆有提升,民進黨各面向持續下滑。與上波民調相比,國民黨支持度上升6.9個百分點,民進黨下降0.5個百分點。 中國國民黨文傳會副主委胡文琦、唐德明上午公布國內主要政黨最新支持度調查及趨勢分析。調查6面向包括重視民意、推動改革、重視勞工權益、幫助青年發展未來、清廉、立委表現。 胡文琦說,台灣民眾對國民黨在各面向的印象分數皆有所提升,其中提升最高的面向為立委表現及重視勞工權益,而民進黨則在各面向印象持續下滑,國民黨的「淨評價」在本次調查中有全面性的提升。 根據民調,政黨認同方面,目前國民黨的支持度為29.9%,民進黨支持度為26.3%,時代力量為10.1%,親民黨為3.1%,政黨中立為23.6%,無反應6.5%,胡文琦分析,造成此一情形的原因,主要應是深藍及淺藍對國民黨近來表現的肯定。 高雄燒烤推薦 民調指出,對民進黨近來表現不滿意達68.9%,滿意有23.4%;對國民黨不滿意60.3%、滿意28%;民進黨執政,整體表現和國民黨相比,認為比較差的有31%,差不多41%、比較好的24.3%。 胡文琦說,與105年10月的民調相比,國民黨的支持度相較上波政黨形象上升了6.9個百分點,民進黨支持度則下降0.5個百分點;親民黨下降1.9個百分點,時力下降0.8個百分點,調查結果顯示,近2個多月來,台灣民眾對國民黨的認同度確實有明顯上升趨勢。 這份民調委由趨勢民意調查股份有限公司執行,對象為年齡20歲以上的民眾,調查時間為105年12月27日至12月29日,每天晚上6時到10時進行電話民調,成功樣本數1071份,在95%信心水準下,誤差在正負3個百分點以內。1060103


By Lo Tien-bin and Jonathan Chin / Staff reporter, with staff writerA Ministry of National Defense official yesterday said that Chinese officials might send its sole aircraft carrier to cruise the Taiwan Strait during President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) nine-day overseas state visit to Central America, scheduled to begin on Saturday.The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy carrier group — comprised of the ex-Soviet carrier Liaoning and its five escorts — is conducting maritime exercises in South China Sea, but it could engage in a show-of-force operation along the Taiwan Strait’s median line on its return voyage to China, an official said on condition of anonymity.The Chinese aircraft carrier group sailed through waters east of Taiwan l板橋安格斯牛肉ate last month, following several training missions conducted by the Chinese military that circled Taiwanese airspace over the past few months, causing regional tensions to flare.If the Liaoning were to cruise along the median line it would be the first time it had done so with aircraft onboard, the official said, adding that its current complement of aircraft include at least 10 Shenyang J-15 fighter aircraft and an unknown number of Z-10 attack helicopters.“Any exercise the Chinese carrier conducts involving J-15 flight operations will put aircraft at close proximity with our air interception zone and pose a significant threat to Taiwanese air defenses,” the official said.In addition to the Chinese carrier, the group is suited for military intimidation because three out of its five escort warships are equipped with active phased array radars, which are significantly more advanced than the radars of other Chinese navy ships, the official said.Despite resembling a US navy carrier strike group, the Chinese carrier group does not possess the former’s combat power, as its carrier and aircraft are not rated for nighttime flight operations, which is disadvantageous for the overall effectiveness of the carrier group, the official said.The military is closely monitoring the movement of the Chinese carrier group and if it approaches the Taiwan Strait, the armed forces are to begin patrolling appropriate sea and air zones with maritime patrol aircraft, fighters and warships, and put ground-based missile batteries on alert, the official said.Later yesterday, the Ministry of National Defense issued a statement saying it would not comment on speculation about the time or route of the Liaoning’s return to China, adding that the military is monitoring the carrier and prepared to respond appropriately to Chinese actions.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES


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